Sticks and stones may break your bones
But words cause lasting pain.
Their impact’s soft, you brush them off
But your bones they irradiate.
Sticks and stones may bruise your skin
But words are a cancerous fist.
They grow inside and though you may hide
The damage, it’s hard to miss.
Sticks and stones may build a home,
But words give warmth and light.
So choose your words with grace and care
And be aware: they are tools abused in fights.
Everything is always a Work In Progress. Space to share some of my creative projects and thoughts.
"What is Art?"
Art is not about beauty, not about making a statement, it's not even about executing it well. Art is about communication. Bad artists m...
Why write a blog? It’s a fair question. After all, there’s already a lot of them out there. Used to be, if you wanted to share something be...
Sometimes, you have to work hard to come up with stories. Other times, you wake up in the middle of the night from a ridiculously detailed d...
Tell me a story, if you will, Of the boy with the tempered tongue And the girl who rode on the tempest, Who sailed so far from home. T...