
I Do Photography Too!

I enjoy art and writing, but I take them pretty seriously sometimes. It's important to have diverse but complimentary hobbies to keep things fun and interesting, and one of mine is photography. Most of my photographs are taken with making artwork in mind, but some are just for the sheer fun of it. More of my best can be found at my Zazzle store here.

But here's a few of my favorites:

Water droplets beading up on our newly stained deck.

My sister in our Dad's oversized coat at Ocean Shores, Washington.

Praying mantis, captured at a gas station in Idaho.

The creek on my grandparent's farm in Ellensburg, Washington.

Fireworks from the backyard.

Two crows in Colorado, looking for all the world like two judgmental old men watching the passersby.

"What is Art?"

Art is not about beauty, not about making a statement, it's not even about executing it well. Art is about communication.  Bad artists m...